Results with UltraSlim are best when it is used regularly and this is why we recommend packages. To help maintain and to enhance the changes seen with UltraSlim, patients can buy a membership. With a membership, patients can continue to use UltraSlim unlimited for an entire year! It can be used for anything that we offer including fat loss, skin tightening, pain and inflammation, breast reduction, facial rejuvenation, etc. If you have bought a package and would like to upgrade, we can deduct the amount you spent on the package. Just ask! Membership sessions must be scheduled so that we don't book anyone during that time, but we will be very flexible to our Platinum customers. We do not recommend more than 2 Waistbuster sessions per week though.
This plan includes unlimited access to our UltraSlim during business hours for the entire year!
This plan includes everything our Platinum plan has Plus monthly visits with our medical team for the whole year!
Below are before and after pics of our UltraSlim patients right here in Altoona!